Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Factors Affecting Post - ERP Implementation in Sri Lankan Apparel Industry

  •  An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system plays a vital role in any organization to achieve the required speed, efficiency and accuracy of daily business operations through automation and integration, providing a centralized and integrated system to increase organization productivity while reducing time and labour costs. 

  • However, most leading manufacturing organizations end up adopting ERP systems without having expected results, and fail to gain true benefits as expected because of the lack of attention in the post stage of implementation. Since it takes a while to reap full benefits, it is critical to have a successful ERP life cycle. Therefore, the importance of post-implementation success factors is critical for any organization.

  • Garment manufacturing organizations have adopted the same trend by implementing new ERP systems by replacing their legacy systems. It seems that garment industries were successful when adopting ERP systems than other manufacturing organizations in Sri Lanka, but this research focuses on developing post-implementation success factors by analysing those which have helped according to literature and industry knowledge and experience. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been used to analyse the data, interviews and surveys used to capture the data in this research.                                
  • Research has shown that not only technical issues but also some problems such as not using effective change management, top-management support and business process reengineering have affected post implementation. Moreover, the proposed framework can be used as a guideline for successful ERP implementation at garment manufacturing organizations.

✍️ -Prabath Bandara -

    1 comment:

    1. Informative and helpful Article. Really good work. Appreciate it. You might be looking for SaaS ERP Software


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